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Argentine Ants
Argentine Ants

Learn More About Argentine Ants

Argentine ants are a common household pest, often entering structures in search of food or water. Attempting to escape flooded nests or humid weather, argentine ants are likely to find shelter in your home. Though they often live under your home, it's always a good idea to apply a professional pest control barrier to prevent the expansion of their colonization.

Argentine ants can be found in Australia, Europe, South Africa, Hawaii, Mexico, and the U.S. including Colorado, North and South Carolina. For help with the identification or removal of ants, give our pest experts a call for your free inspection!

Pest Identification


1/8 In.


Dark to light

Body Structure

Head, thorax, and abdomen with a single node on the pedicel connecting the thorax and abdomen.


Argentine ants are social insects that reside in colonies often featuring multiple nests. Unlike other species, Argentine ants are not aggressive toward ants from other neighboring colonies, which allows colonies’ numbers to grow and multiply exponentially.

Habitat & Behavior

Argentine ants often are found in mulch or soil, nesting only 1-2 inches beneath the surface. They also are found under debris, rocks, and lumber. Indoors, Argentine ants nest in wall voids, insulation and pipes or drains. In the wild, they feed on insects and honeydew; indoors, they are drawn to any food remains, especially sugary foods.

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