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Little Black Ants
Little Black Ants

Learn More About Little Black Ants

Scientifically known as the monomorium minimu, little black ants are characterized by their jet black color and crowding tendencies. Commonly found in Mexico, or the southern United States, little black ants enjoy feasting on vegetables, greasy, or oily foods. Trailing along sidewalks, lining foundation walls, and burrowing under the carpet, these ants can prove to be particularly bothersome. For help with a little black ant infestation, give our pest control experts a call for a free inspection!

Pest Identification


1/16 In,


Shiny black

Body Structure

Head, thorax, and abdomen with two nodes on the pedicel connecting the thorax and abdomen.


Colonies can range from moderate to large in size and may feature multiple queens, which are 2-3 times the size of worker ants.

Habitat & Behavior

Little black ants like to nest in moist areas. Outdoors, they commonly are found beneath lumber, in mulch, in rotting logs or beneath debris. They feed primarily on honeydew, pollen, and other insects. Little black ants often are drawn indoors if the outdoor food supply runs low and are particularly drawn to sugary items, bread, and meat. They can invade wall voids, spaces beneath carpeting, spaces behind bricks and other crevices.

Commonly Active

Spring / Summer / Fall

Prevention & Treatment

As with other species, black ants are drawn to food remains. Keeping food preparation areas and anywhere food is consumed free of food residues is a key measure to prevent infestation. Also clearing debris and filling cracks around the house may also prevent infestation. While store-bought baits may appear to curb an infestation, often baits will kill the worker ants before the bait is taken back to the nest, meaning the colony continues to survive even after treatment. For this reason, it is recommended that a pest control professional inspect your home and administer professional treatment to eliminate these pests.

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