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Yellow Jackets
Yellow Jackets

Learn More About Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets are often considered the most dangerous stinging insects in the United States. They tend to be unpredictable and usually will sting if the nest is disturbed. During late summer and fall, yellow jacket colonies are nearing maturity and huge numbers of workers are out foraging for food for the developing queens. Avoid the sting by contacting us today for expert bee control services!

Pest Identification


1/2 in.


Black and yellow striped

Body Structure

Head, thorax, abdomen with a stinger and body-length wings.


Yellow jackets are social insects living in colonies. Colonies are comprised of sterile female workers, males, and fertile females that mate with males in the fall to become yellow jacket queens. Fertilized queens hibernate through the winter, whereas males and workers die as the weather turns colder.

Habitat & Behavior

Yellow jackets often nest near the ground, taking over old nests and burrows made by rodents. Yellow jackets also may build a nest in the walls of a home or other structure, under porches or steps, as well as in the branches of low-hanging trees or shrubs. While yellow jackets do help pollinate other plants and serve to control other pests like flies, they are scavengers who feed on refuse. They are particularly attracted to garbage.

Commonly Active

Spring / Summer

Prevention & Treatment

Because yellow jackets are particularly aggressive in defending their colonies, having an infestation near or around your home poses a threat the well being of your family and pets. As noted above, yellow jackets are capable of inflicting multiple stings, which may send highly allergic victims into shock. For this reason, a pest control professional should always be consulted if you believe yellow jackets have infested your home.

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